Free, 7-day event for Christian Women in business ready to hear from God and build the empire they were called to:

The F. A. I. T. H. Method

A practical system to partner with God so you can create more money, a greater impact, and happier clients.

Live May 6th - May 12th 2024, Daily 6:00 AM PST (9AM EST)

With Jeanette Peterson

Free, 7-day event for Women ready to hear from

God and build the empire they were called to:

The F. A. I. T. H. Method

A practical system to partner with God so you can create more money, a greater impact, and happier clients.

Live Teaching May 6th - May 12th 2024, Daily 6:00 AM PST (9AM EST)

With Jeanette Peterson

Let go and Let GOD

Where do you turn when conventional business advice doesn't always seem to match your faith-centered values?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the pressure to do it all?

Do you sacrifice faith, family, and their own well-being in the pursuit of success?

Do you believe the only way to success is by tirelessly hustling and doing everything yourself?

Are you sacrificing your personal life, and spiritual well-being in the process?

Are you teetering on burnout, overwhelm, loneliness, and a sense of deep dissatisfaction?

This Ends Today!

The FAITH Method

Day 1: Learn the Faith and Focus Method so that your faith is activated and ready to receive the abundance.

Day 2: Set the intention of what you want God to show you so that you can clearly hear His vision.

Day 3: Ask God for the answer of pivoting or doubling down so that you aren't stuck in indecision.

Day 4: Surrender your next step to God so that your next decision won't be a wrong one.

Day 5: Embody the boldest you so that you release any fear and step into who God created you to be in life and business.

Day 6: Make the call for support so that you can pinpoint the exact person or community to help you get to the next level.

Day 7: Create a plan of action for your next few business moves so that God is directing your path.

The F. A. I. T. H. Method

Day 1: Learn the Faith and Focus Method so that your faith is activated and ready to receive the abundance.

Day 2: Set the intention of what you want God to show you so that you can clearly hear his vision.

Day 3: Ask God for the answer of pivoting or doubling down so that you aren't stuck in indecision.

Day 4: Surrender your next step to God so that your next decision won't be a wrong one.

Day 5: Embody the boldest you so that you release any fear and step into who God created you to be in life and business.

Day 6: Make the call for support so that you can pinpoint the exact person or community to help you get to the next level.

Day 7: Create a plan of action for your next few business moves so that God is directing your path.

You don't have to

do it all to have it all!

Meet Jeanette

Jeanette Peterson is
a business strategist, faith mentor, and military veteran.

After a decade in the military as a cybersecurity engineer, she wanted to be with her growing family.

She was blessed when God transitioned her to entrepreneurship because you shouldn’t have to choose your family or your calling, you can do both.

As a homeschool mom, she helps women build their Kingdom empires with community, mindset and business optimization.